Vacher, J., Launay, C., Mamassian, P. & Coen-Cagli, R. Measuring uncertainty in human visual segmentation. PLOS Computational Biology 19, 1–24 (2023).
doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011483},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Launay, Claire and Mamassian, Pascal and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
journal = {PLOS Computational Biology},
publisher = {Public Library of Science},
title = {Measuring uncertainty in human visual segmentation},
year = {2023},
month = sep,
volume = {19},
pages = {1-24},
number = {9}
Vacher, J., Launay, C. & Coen-Cagli, R. Flexibly Regularized Mixture Models and Application to Image Segmentation. Neural Networks 149, 107–123 (2022).
title = {Flexibly Regularized Mixture Models and Application to Image Segmentation},
journal = {Neural Networks},
volume = {149},
pages = {107-123},
year = {2022},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Launay, Claire and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
issn = {0893-6080},
doi = {}
Vacher, J. & Briand, T. The Portilla-Simoncelli Texture Model: towards Understanding the Early Visual Cortex. Image Processing On Line 11, 170–211 (2021).
title = {{The Portilla-Simoncelli Texture Model: towards Understanding the Early Visual Cortex}},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Briand, Thibaud},
journal = {{Image Processing On Line}},
volume = {11},
pages = {170--211},
year = {2021},
note = {\url{}}
Le Coënt, A., Fribourg, L., Vacher, J. & Wisniewski, R. Probabilistic reachability and control synthesis for stochastic switched systems using the tamed Euler method. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 36, 100860 (2020).
title = {Probabilistic reachability and control synthesis for stochastic switched systems using the tamed Euler method},
author = {Le Co\"ent, Adrien and Fribourg, Laurent and Vacher, Jonathan and Wisniewski, Rafael},
journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems},
volume = {36},
pages = {100860},
year = {2020},
publisher = {Elsevier},
doi = {10.1016/j.nahs.2020.100860}
Roggerone, V., Vacher, J., Tarlao, C. & Guastavino, C. Auditory motion perception emerges from successive sound localizations integrated over time. Scientific Reports 9, 16437 (2019).
title = {Auditory motion perception emerges from successive sound localizations integrated over time},
author = {Roggerone, Vincent and Vacher, Jonathan and Tarlao, Cynthia and Guastavino, Catherine},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
volume = {9},
pages = {16437},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-52742-0}
Vacher, J., Meso, A. I., Perrinet, L. U. & Peyré, G. Bayesian modeling of motion perception using dynamical stochastic textures. Neural computation 30, 3355–3392 (2018).
title = {Bayesian modeling of motion perception using dynamical stochastic textures},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Meso, Andrew Isaac and Perrinet, Laurent U and Peyr{\'e}, Gabriel},
journal = {Neural computation},
volume = {30},
number = {12},
pages = {3355--3392},
year = {2018},
publisher = {MIT Press},
doi = {10.1162/neco_a_01142}
Briand, T. & Vacher, J. How to Apply a Filter Defined in the Frequency Domain by a Continuous Function. Image Processing On Line 6, 2016–11 (2016).
author = {Briand, Thibaud and Vacher, Jonathan},
doi = {10.5201/ipol.2016.116},
journal = {Image Processing On Line},
keywords = {DFT,Fourier transform,convolution,filtering,interpolation,trigonometric polynomial},
pages = {2016--11},
title = {How to Apply a Filter Defined in the Frequency Domain by a Continuous Function},
volume = {6},
year = {2016}
Briand, T., Vacher, J., Galerne, B. & Rabin, J. The Heeger-Bergen Pyramid-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm. Image Processing On Line 4, 2014–11 (2014).
author = {Briand, Thibaud and Vacher, Jonathan and Galerne, Bruno and Rabin, Julien},
doi = {10.5201/ipol.2014.79},
journal = {Image Processing On Line},
keywords = {bergen,heeger,synthesis,texture},
pages = {2014--11},
title = {The Heeger-Bergen Pyramid-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm},
volume = {4},
year = {2014}
Conferences (Proceedings)
Le Coënt, A., Vacher, J. & Kergrene, K. Formal stabilization of a coupled ODE-PDE switched system. in 2024 63nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) xxxx–xxxx (IEEE, 2024).
Vacher, J. & Mamassian, P. Perceptual Scales Predicted by Fisher Information Metrics. in The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (2024).
title = {Perceptual Scales Predicted by Fisher Information Metrics},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Mamassian, Pascal},
booktitle = {The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
year = {2024}
Launay, C., Vacher, J. & Coen-Cagli, R. Unsupervised Video Segmentation Algorithms Based On Flexibly Regularized Mixture Models. in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 4073–4077 (IEEE, 2022).
title = {Unsupervised Video Segmentation Algorithms Based On Flexibly Regularized Mixture Models},
author = {Launay, Claire and Vacher, Jonathan and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
booktitle = {2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
pages = {4073--4077},
year = {2022},
organization = {IEEE}
Vacher, J., Davila, A., Kohn, A. & Coen-Cagli, R. Texture Interpolation for Probing Visual Perception. in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2020).
title = {Texture Interpolation for Probing Visual Perception},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Davila, Aida and Kohn, Adam and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
journal = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
year = {2020}
Le Coënt, A., Fribourg, L. & Vacher, J. Control Synthesis for Stochastic Switched Systems using the Tamed Euler Method. in IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, 259–264 (2018).
title = {Control Synthesis for Stochastic Switched Systems using the Tamed Euler Method},
journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
volume = {51},
number = {16},
pages = {259 - 264},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems ADHS 2018},
issn = {2405-8963},
doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.044},
author = {Le Co\"ent, Adrien and Fribourg, Laurent and Vacher, Jonathan},
keywords = {Stochastic systems, numerical simulation, control system synthesis, switched control systems, nonlinear control systems}
Vacher, J., Meso, A. I., Perrinet, L. U. & Peyré, G. Biologically inspired dynamic textures for probing motion perception. in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2015).
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Meso, Andrew Isaac and Perrinet, Laurent U. and Peyr{\'{e}}, Gabriel},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
issn = {10495258},
title = {Biologically inspired dynamic textures for probing motion perception},
year = {2015}
Conferences (No Proceedings)
Vacher, J., Mamassian, P. & Coen-Cagli, R. Measuring Human Probabilistic Segmentation Maps. in Cosyne Abstracts (2020).
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Mamassian, Pascal and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
booktitle = {Cosyne Abstracts},
title = {Measuring Human Probabilistic Segmentation Maps},
year = {2020}
PhD Manuscript
Vacher, J. Dynamic Textures Synthesis for Probing Vision in Psychophysics and Electrophysiology. (Paris Dauphine University, 2017).
author = {Vacher, Jonathan},
school = {Paris Dauphine University},
title = {Dynamic Textures Synthesis for Probing Vision in Psychophysics and Electrophysiology},
year = {2017}
Unpublished Reports
Vacher, J., Mamassian, P. & Coen-Cagli, R. Probabilistic Model of Visual Segmentation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.00111 (2019).
title = {Probabilistic Model of Visual Segmentation},
author = {Vacher, Jonathan and Mamassian, Pascal and Coen-Cagli, Ruben},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.00111},
year = {2019}