Control Synthesis for Stochastic Switched Systems using the Tamed Euler Method

with A. Le Coënt and L. Fribourg

  1. Le Coënt, A., Fribourg, L. & Vacher, J. Control Synthesis for Stochastic Switched Systems using the Tamed Euler Method. in IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, 259–264 (2018).

New postdoc position

I joined Ruben Coen-Cagli’s team at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC on September the 20th !

We work on natural image segmentation. Our goal is to develop a neurally plausible model of image segmentation and to use it to conduct well control psychometric experiments with artificial and natural images.

PhD Defense

I defended my PhD on January the 18th in Paris Dauphine University ! You can find the manuscript here and the slides here.

Finally a Doctor !

How to Apply a Filter Defined in the Frequency Domain by a Continuous Function ?

with T. Briand.

  1. Briand, T. & Vacher, J. How to Apply a Filter Defined in the Frequency Domain by a Continuous Function. Image Processing On Line 6, 2016–11 (2016).

Biologically inspired dynamic textures for probing motion perception

with A. I. Meso, L. Perrinet and G. Peyré.

  1. Vacher, J., Meso, A. I., Perrinet, L. U. & Peyré, G. Biologically inspired dynamic textures for probing motion perception. in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2015).
